Host venue: 2311 Calvert St NW 1st Floor, Washington, DC 20008
Frequently Asked Questions
  • How can I cancel/change a class if I am within your cancellation policy?

    1) Sign into your on-line account and click on “My Classes”  

    2) Find the class you are canceling and click "Change”   

    3) Click on the box in front of the registered name.

    4) Click on the appropriated choice

    When you finish, your account will show an account credit. Refunds are given only as class credit. For your next purchase, the shopping cart will NOT automatically apply the credit and deduct the cost of your purchase from your account credit before it charges your credit card.  YOU MUST CLICK ON THE BUTTON IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PAGE “APPLY ACCOUNT CREDIT”.

  • Is it safe to use my credit card on-line ?
    Online payment via credit card is secure, fast, easy and will guarantee that your registration is processed immediately.
    We are using a certtiifcate : 128-bit SSL encryption.
  • What methods of payment do you accept ?
    Our online system allows us to accept Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover.